Satomi Ichikawa
Children’s Picture-Book Author&Illustrator
She was born in Ogaki City, Gifu-Prefecture. In 1971 she traveled to Paris and decided to live there. Some years later she began to learn drawing by herself.
Important Works in chronological order
Her first work. On bringing it in to a very known children’s book publisher in London, they decided to publish it immediately. It was extraordinary that a picture book made by a writer&self-taught illustrator was accepted instantly.
Looking again at this book carefully, the pictures are very well composed. They are also well-balanced. Sketch and technique, if you make efforts, can be mastered to a certain extent. However, sense of balance is inborn. They probably rated this inate ability of hers high, instead of past performance and experience.
This book has been translated into 6 languages.
This book depicts calm and peaceful rural scene in Brittany(Bretagne) in the country in France, and this is the most important work among Ms.Ichikawa’s early works. Both composition and color come together in pleasant rhythm and the scenery is poetical and beautiful. The picture, on the cover, showing a boy and a girl relaxing on a wooden bridge is a “masterpiece” as a work of art. Given Kodansha’s Publishing-Culture Award, this was a memorable work, which triggered her fame.
After that I faced a difficult situation. Though I could create my first book spontaneously without thinking whether I was good or bad, as the following works, technique didn’t come easily. I was so lacking in sketching skills that I couldn’t draw what I wanted. Since I realized this I made efforts to sketch models, animals, children, nature. Everything!
The story of “Nora’s Duck” takes place at her friend’s house and garden in Kent, England. She kept sketching the movements and expressions of the animals which appear vividly in this book.
She says, “I don’t take pictures. I only do sketching.” She surely practices what she says.
As she makes more sketches, the animals in the picture-book begin to move freely. Ichikawa-san makes unimaginably large number of sketches in order to make one picture-book.
“Nora’s Duck” is the title of its English version.
the model of this book &his animal friends
Sketching is my foundation. The bond of my profession!
Besides, I wanted to go to see more of foreign countries, and there, I made sketch after sketch while traveling various unknown countries.
Majestic nature in Africa is described in “Ya-t-il des ours en Afrique?” published in 1999.
Nothing obstructs your field of vision on the solid earth in Africa. You have a 360° panoramic view.
Ichikawa-san says “After the sun-set, from my sleeping bag, I look up at the dark sky full of blinking stars. They seem to be within my reach. Oh, so many shooting stars!”
I thought, ” As I have been making picture books in the world other than Japan, it is time to make one about Japan. And I want to introduce my country to foreign children. Not such subject as Japanese tradition but more natural, ordinary life in their lives.”
When I was a child, my mother was busy with her vegetable garden. 60 years later she is still busy growing vegetables in her garden.
I tried to depict such my mother’s life in this book. She is today 92 years old.
my mother in the summer of 2011
For the third trip in India, I went to Kerala in the south. I went to a farm where elephants are kept to sketch them, for four weeks.
There, the elephants and the attendants in everyday life gave me an inspiration to my new story.
Collected Sayings of Satomi Ichikawa
観光名所もあれはあれでいいけど、私は現地の人たちが毎日何をやって、何を食べて、どういう生活をしているかに興味がある。人がいるところには詩がある。日常生活で詩を見つけるのが私の目的だから、立派な所へ行かなくてもいい。(2011年8月26日 中日新聞夕刊「あの人に迫る」より)
I don’t really mind about visiting sightseeing spots. Rather, I am interested in what local people do, what they eat, and how they live. Wherever there are lives, there are poems. That’s why I love to live with people in everyday life where I can find poems. (from Chunichi Shimbun)
If you look close at people, trees, animals, the whole world becomes very interesting. If you sketch every movement of the animals-lying, drinking water, or raising foot, then you gradually understand what they want to do. Sketching will make you know the animal better and you come to love the animal. (from Chunichi Shimbun)
If you like one thing, all you can do is to keep on doing it. Besides, you’d better enjoy other things at the same time. Music, painting, traveling, cooking ・・・whatever. If you have something you like, you can keep on working. You’ll gain depth. You’ll get relaxed. Having a balanced life is very important. (Chunichi Shimbun)
いいえ、考えながら「ホホ―?」と言ったの。 そーね・・・”目(眼)”ですかね。目はよく観察しますね!!(2018年11月電話で)
Q: Kurita
When you sketch a person, what part of him or her, will you begin with?
A: Ichikawa
Ho, ho—?
Q: Kurita
Is it “hoho(cheek)”?
A: Ichikawa
No. I was only thinking and murmuring
“ho,ho-.” Well, “eyes.” I am very careful when I draw eyes. (Telephone conversation)
When you’ve got a house to sleep in, it’s better. On the great ground in Africa, you often sketch in a sleeping bag and with no toilet. I am often asked, ”Aren’t you afraid of a scorpion or a poisonous snake?” I answer, ” Yes, I am afraid of them, ok. But come to think of it, they are far more afraid of me than I am afraid of them, don’t you think? Because to them we, strange humans are invaders to their territory.”
(“Nishimino, my hometown” magazine’s “The world of Satomi Ichikawa”)
Recommendations ・・・the best 3 of Kurita’s choice
2018年 パリにて 市川里美
Message from Satomi Ichikawa
I left Japan alone for Europe in 1971 when I was 21 years old. I have lived in Paris since then. Many years have gone by. Once, at a flea market in Paris, I came across one beautiful picture book, which stimulated me into the world of creating my own picture book, though I had never learned art before. I have been devoting myself to drawing and writing since then.
Looking back, the total number of my books published so far has reached 80. I am grateful to publishers, supporters, readers, and people I have met in everyday life and through my trips around the world.
Almost always the subjects of my creation have been things I loved, people I met in my everyday life, nature, animals, or flowers. In some case they were things I found in everyday life. Or in other case, they were things I was surprised at. When I traveled in far-off countries, I happened to meet different people and because of that difference I was surprised and inspired that the world was infinite, rich in culture, and I felt every living thing was lovable. People I lived with for a while, or children I met on the street or only exchanged some words. I wanted to tell about them in my books.
Therefore the picture books that I have created so far can be said to be the records of my life that I have ever lived. I hope I will be able to keep writing and drawing about my dear world which I will meet in everday life or in far-off countries while traveling, in my picture books.
2018 inParis Satomi Ichikawa
Having my hometown makes me feel confident. That’s why I can go on a trip again and again.
(November 15th, 2018 in Ogaki)
the back cover of her first book